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Below are some useful articles you can reference:

Are we Headed for a Real Estate Recession? How to Prepare for a Shift in the Market
We're going through a home-buying frenzy today in most North American markets. But there's a sobering story behind every hyper-growth real estate market: Most emotionally buy out of FOMO until they don't. In essence, every time crazy real estate expansion happens, the market ends up with an exorbitant supply of homes. But before you know it, the market balances itself.
U.S. Consumer Spending Takes Breather amid Shortages; Inflation Rises
U.S. consumer spending paused in May as shortages hurt motor vehicle purchases, but the supply constraints and increased demand for services helped to lift prices, with the Federal Reserve's main inflation measure rising by the most in 29 years.

Homebuying Demand Slipped Below 2020 Levels for the First Time This Year
The typical home sold for its highest price on record, at its fastest pace on record and for 2.3% above list price, the largest sale price premium on record.

The Future of Home Ownership is Latino
Amid the recent real estate bull market, one fact has been often overlooked: More than half of home ownership growth over the past decade has come from the Latino population. That trend is expected to continue.

An Inflation Storm is Coming for the U.S. Housing Market
Fast-rising housing costs have helped to push inflation to a 13-year high. But the way that government statisticians track the price of consumer goods may be missing just how explosive home-price growth has been in recent months.

Could the Biden Administration Bring Back the GSE Net Worth Sweep?
National Mortgage News
The Supreme Court's decision this week on the Federal Housing Finance Agency could end up restoring the net worth sweep that those backing the lawsuit sought to reverse, a Fitch Ratings report said. This ruling means near-term strategic shifts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could come via administrative actions from the executive branch, rather than a protected regulator. It eases the path for further changes to the Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements.

HUD Plans to Restore 2013 Version of Discrimination Rule
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published a proposal to the Federal Register on Friday that would rescind the department's 2020 disparate impact rule and restore the 2013 discriminatory effects rule. In its notice of proposed rulemaking, HUD stated it believes the "2013 rule is more consistent with decades of caselaw and better effectuates the Act's broad remedial purpose of eradicating unnecessary discriminatory practices from the housing market."

Buyer Beware: Appraisers Bidding Up Fees After Loan Applications
The San Bernardino Sun
A perfect storm is upon America. Caution ahead if you need a residential appraisal. Appraisers are aging out and retiring. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have developed sophisticated, automated appraisal processes resulting in property inspection waivers for more and more borrowers. The residential appraisal industry will go the way of the horse and buggy soon enough.